Rectify 11 frequently asked questions
Created by: @iniforce and @notfuze
Last updated: October 26, 2023
1. What is Rectify11?
Windows 11, by default has inconsistencies on it's UI elements (especially in dark mode), which Rectify 11 fixes by safely editting the system files.
2. Is Rectify11 safe to use?
Yes, it is not malware and won't affect performance as long as your apps work fine.
Detailed explanation: Please make sure you download Rectify11 from its official sources (,, ONLY and not from some MediaFire link on a YouTube Video.
Another thing is, SecureUX ThemeTool that Rectify11 uses keeps getting deleted by antiviruses, especially Windows Defender, while it's safe. You have to make an exclusion for C:\Windows\Rectify11 for all antiviruses installed on your PC. It's also recommended to turn off all of your antiviruses before installing Rectify11.
Also please do not always believe in detections from VirusTotal, especially Bkav Pro and MaxSecure
that literally flag innocent apps as malware.
3. Will Rectify11 have an ISO image after version 2.5?
No, Rectify11 has moved on to a installer that you have to install on top of your existing Windows installation, so if you are reinstalling Windows, then use a official Windows ISO from Microsoft themselves. Please do not annoy the Rectify11 Team to update the ISO to the latest version of Rectify11. Also, modifying a ISO of Windows and distributing it can sometimes get you in legal trouble.
4. Will I lose my data after installing Rectify11?
No, unless you have messed up something or decided to clean install Windows.
5. What are the minimum system requirements to run Rectify11?
• Windows 10 version 1903 (aka 19H1), but it's highly recommended that you install it on Windows 11.
• At least 1-3 GB of free space on your computer's system drive to install.
6. My themes look messed up.
There are multiple reasons for this problem.
6a. My theme looks like a mess after pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL or when locking my PC.To fix that, press Windows+R, type "themetool" and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER (Run as administrator). The SecureUX ThemeTool window will show up. There, look at the "Patcher" category and make sure "LogonUI hooked" says Yes. If it says No, click Uninstall on the "Installation" category and make sure "Rename DefaultColors" and "Hook LogonUI" are checked, then press "Install" and restart..
6b. My apps look like a mess.Find MicaForEveryone's icon in your system tray and open it. A settings window should open. Click the + icon, choose "Add process Rule", choose your app's executable file, then press "Add". A new option with your application's name will appear on the sidebar. Click that and set "Backdrop Type" to "None" and disable "Extend Frame into Client Area".
If that doesn't work, Press Windows+R, type "themetool" and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. The SecureUX ThemeTool window will show up. There, at the left side you will see a list of themes installed on your Windows OS. You have to choose Rectify11's theme ("Rectify11 partial dark theme" or "Rectify11 light theme") on that list. Press Apply at the bottom of the list.
If that also doesn't work, it's because the developers of some apps like hardcoding certain colors and not using colors from visual styles correctly.
6c. Websites look messed up.Mozilla Firefox: Go to Settings. In the General tab of the page, find "Override Firefox’s default colors for text, website backgrounds, and links" text, click "Manage Colors". The "Colors" window will open. Uncheck "Use system colors" and press OK.
Other browsers: Install the Stylus extension, and then apply this userstyle.
7. Mica doesn't work.
There are multiple reasons for this problem.
7a. Make sure your settings are correct.Make sure that "Transparency effects" on Windows Settings (under Personalization > Colors) is turned on. Then, find MicaForEveryone's icon in your system tray and open it. A settings window should open. There, find "Global Rule" and open it. Make sure "Extend Client into Frame Area" is enabled and "Backdrop Type" is set to "Mica". Repeat for "explorer" as well.
7b. The Mica colors look different from my "wallpaper".It is because you are using Lively Wallpaper/Wallpaper Engine or other wallpaper apps. For this, you either have to disable these apps or change the wallpaper to be similar to your Windows desktop wallpaper (under Personalization > Wallpaper in the Windows Settings app).
If that doesn't work, Press Windows+R, type "themetool" and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. The SecureUX ThemeTool window will show up. There, at the left side you will see a list of themes installed on your Windows OS. You have to choose Rectify11's theme ("Rectify11 partial dark theme" or "Rectify11 light theme") on that list. Press Apply at the bottom of the list.
If that also doesn't work, it's because the developers of some apps like hardcoding certain colors and not using colors from visual styles correctly.
7c. Mica effects don't work properly on File Explorer.This problem only happens on Windows 11, version 23H2 and above. The reason is some parts on the new File Explorer like the toolbar, home page, gallery are all XAML-based. MicaForEveryone (or ExplorerBlurMica) aren't designed to hook into XAML components and change the backdrop type.
The only fix for that is to turn off this new File Explorer and revert back to Windows 11 22H2's File Explorer. You have to use ViveTool for this, here is the command you need to use: vivetool /disable /id:40729001,38664959,41076133,38613007,40950262,42939747
8. My accent color doesn't work and my progress bars/text boxes show the default blue color.
Rectify11's installer does offer you to install AccentColorizer on your computer, but you may have skipped it. If you don't want to reinstall Rectify11 just for that, download AccentColorizer and AccentColorizer-E11. After that, Press Windows+R, and type shell:startup, and press OK. The Startup folder should open. Copy those 2 files that you have downloaded into the Startup folder.